Guidance Counselor - Leah Bramlett
Phone: 706-754-2915
Email: [email protected]
Guidance Office is open 7:30am - 3:30pm Monday - Friday.
Appointments are not required, but appreciated.
As school counselor, I assist students in their academic, career, social, and personal aspects of education. Services provided to students include individual counseling, small group counseling, and classroom guidance.
Habersham County Counselors
School Counselors are available at each school in Habersham County to provide guidance services, individual and group counseling, and consultation with school staff, parents, and the community. At each grade level, counselors provide classroom guidance to address developmental, transitional and educational needs common to all students. A counselor may also plan lessons with the individual classroom teacher to address a particular issue for a given class. Even though school counselors are not considered therapists, they provide individual and group counseling to assist students with problems that affect their performance in school. Information shared with the counselor is confidential unless disclosure is required to prevent clear and imminent danger to the student or others or when legal requirements demand that confidential information be revealed. At each school, the counselor welcomes parents and staff members to discuss services that might be helpful to assist students in personal, academic, career, or transitional needs. Below is a list of the counselors and information on how to contact them.
Our Mission Statement
Our mission is to provide every student access to a certified professional school counselor and to provide opportunities to acquire the academic, career, personal, and social competencies, within a comprehensive and developmental counseling program, to promote quality learning and lifelong success.
Belief Statements
- All students have dignity, worth, and the right to a safe and nurturing environment which supports and enhances student achievement and life long success.
- All students will be provided with a school Guidance and Counseling program that will be consistent with expected developmental stages and differences in learning styles.
- All students' ethnic, cultural, racial differences, and special needs are considered in planning and implementing the school-wide Guidance and Counseling program.